I’m really talking to myself in this post – because I need it – but hey, feel free to listen in. 😉
Mama, put your phone down.
Your toddler has to call your name three times before you look up from your phone. He wants you to play. You tell him “just a minute baby.”
Your one year old is falling asleep as you rock him. His little face looks so angelic when he’s finally still. This moment would become a beautiful memory – if only you weren’t so engrossed in your phone.
Your baby is making silly faces at you but all you see are the political posts you’re scrolling through on Facebook.
I understand, I really do . . .
You’re just popping onto social media for a “quick minute”.
You need a little break to mindlessly scroll.
You really need to reply to a few more posts in your Facebook mom group.
You want to pin a few more recipe ideas to try later on (or not).
You’re just going to check up on your blogging groups (all 18 of them).
Oh and you’d better check your email one more time so you don’t miss anything.
Enough is enough.
Mama, put your phone down.
Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama! MAMA!!!
As you can see, I’m picking up my children’s tactic for getting attention. Seems to work nicely! Ha.
Anyway. Listen, I know you are tired. I know that playing cars with your toddler AGAIN is not the most thrilling thought. I know that sometimes you just want a little break to mindlessly scroll.
But hey. Listen to me.
Wait, first put your phone down (unless you’re using it to read this post, in which case carry on.)
Ok, now listen to me.
Lots of things about this stage of parenting aren’t going to be exciting. There’s going to be a whole lot of the mundane, the (dare I say) boring, the repetitious.
But, but but but … in between all of that, in the middle of it all, there will be beautiful moments. Precious memories will be made. Bonding moments will be shared.
But only if you are present for those moments.
I’m reminded of a favorite quote from missionary Jim Elliot. He said:
Wherever you are, be all there.
You’re never going to regret doing that. You’re never going to regret being present. I mean come on, why would you?
What you will regret – and what I do regret – are the things you’ll miss when you just can’t tear your eyes off that addicting little screen.
Hmmm, what else can I say to convince you?
An article on Parent.com announces:
OK parents, it’s time to put down your phone and pick up your kid because children feel unimportant when you use your cell phones too much, a study says.
Come on you guys! Do we really need a study to tell us that? Pick up your kid!
Another article I read said this:
Some of us adults have become so engrossed in smart phones, they’re making us less “smart” as parents. [Parents] are checking emails or sending texts and pushing a kid on a swing at the same time or trying to have dinner and still texting and reading emails and it’s a real problem.
The article continues with this reminder:
“[Your phone is] not going to go anywhere. You can get back to that information, you can get back to that technology later, but your kids are going to grow up and you’re going to miss them…. And that is time you won’t get back.
(Sobs quietly)
Seriously you guys, the days are long but the years are oh so short. Resolve today to be present with your children. Save the scrolling for when they’re in bed or whatever. I promise you won’t regret it. But I also promise that you’ll regret it if you don’t.
Mama, put your phone down.
PS – Like I said, I wrote this for me. Wasting time on my phone is a big struggle for me. You can ask my husband! But it’s something I’m determined to work on. I don’t want to miss any more moments with my kids because I’m looking at stupid stuff on Facebook. Want to help keep me accountable? I’ll be giving updates on how I’m doing in my bi-weekly emails. Sign up below!
PSS – One more thing! I found this article about decreasing phone time to be super practical and helpful. 🙂