I made butternut squash this week for the first time. My cousin made some last week and let me have a taste and it was so yummy that I knew I needed to make it myself. So I did. It was super easy and yummy so I thought I’d share!
Doesn’t it look pretty?
First step: cut it in half. It was harder than I thought! Either my knife was dull or butternut squashes are just really hard to cut haha :p
I smeared a little butter on the halves and stuck them in the oven at 400 degrees for about an hour.
Here they are after just a little over an hour… super nice and tender.
I rubbed the halves with some vanilla and a little more butter and that’s all! So easy. And my apartment smelled SO good!
For serving, you can either scoop the squash into a bowl or just eat it right out of the skin. It looks pretty either way. I prefer scooping it out though because then you can mix it a little better to distribute the butter and vanilla. 🙂 Oh, and I added a little salt. Yummy!
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