Several months ago we had a group of college and career age young adults over to our home.
As part of the ice breaker we all went around in a circle and told something about ourselves and what we do. We had quite the interesting group! For example, one person was working on a state senate campaign, another was starting an internship with a well-known airline, and another was preparing for a senior recital and hoping to join the teaching faculty at her college next year. It was fascinating hearing everyone’s plans in our little group of 15 or so people.
And then it came to me . . . “Ummm yeah . . . I’m just a mom. Oh, and a blogger!” Adding in the part about blogging made me feel slightly more important, like I do actually use my brain on occasion. Because “just a mom” – I mean, how boring does that sound?
My job description as a mom consists of caring for little people: cleaning them, cleaning up after them, feeding them, comforting them, correcting them, teaching them, interpreting for them, arbitrating their fights . . . keeping them alive!
Not super thrilling or important sounding compared to what everyone else in our group was doing, that’s for sure.
I’m privileged to get to be home taking care of my little people – and I truly do realize it’s a privilege – but I’ll be honest, it does get old some days. It feels unimportant, boring. Like I’m not actually doing much compared to the millennial “movers and shakers” that I know.
Who else has felt this way? I know it’s not just me!
“You guys have fun changing the world! I’ll just stay here wiping noses and changing diapers!”
But guys, when I think this way – when we moms think this way – we are thinking so wrong!
Just moms? No!
We are moms who are raising up the next generation.
We are moms who are striving to teach our children about Jesus and the purpose of life.
We are moms who are attempting to model and teach good character to our little people.
As moms, we are shaping the thoughts and attitudes of future “movers and shakers.” Who knows, one of us may just be the mom who is raising the next president!
As William Wallace eloquently put it, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”
The point is, let’s stop thinking and saying that we are just moms. Our job as moms, as unassuming and unimportant as it may feel at times, was given to us by God and is absolutely vital. And beautiful. And we must not forget that.
So, next time I’m introducing myself I’m going to leave out the word “just” when I say that I’m a mom. I hope you will too. 🙂
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