So, everyone’s been talking about the movie The Greatest Showman recently. Seriously, I saw a post on social media practically every day this past month from people saying how much they loved the movie.
Anyway, Pablo and I got to go see it a week or two ago! We hardly ever go to the movies so I was really excited. And yes, I enjoyed the movie. 🙂
This post isn’t a review of The Greatest Showman though – there are plenty of other blog posts out there with thoughtful reviews if that’s what you’re looking for.
I’m writing today because of something that stuck out to me as we were watching and got me thinking about my role as a wife.
When lyrics jump out at you …
You know the song A Million Dreams? Yeah, I know half of you people have it memorized. If you haven’t heard it though, here’s the song on YouTube (it’s a beautiful song by the way!)
Anyway, in the movie when Barnum’s wife started singing, her words really popped out at me.
However big, however small
Let me be part of it all
Share your dreams with me
You may be right, you may be wrong
But say that you’ll bring me along
To the world you see
I couldn’t help thinking wow, what a lucky guy to have a wife like that.
And then of course that thought begged the question, am I that kind of wife?
I was a little afraid to answer that question.
The struggle
I absolutely desire to be a supportive partner to my husband. I want him to feel free to share his dreams with me and I want to be right there, working beside him to make them happen.
But you know what? A lot of times I fail at that without even realizing it – And I look back later and am like bummer, I messed up again!
I have this helpful (annoying?) tendency to analyze, list pros and cons, give free advice, and play devil’s advocate as soon as Pablo tells me a new idea he’s had. (Is anyone else this way??)
Are my thoughts valid? Probably so. Is my timing good? Ha … probably not.
Pablo wants to hear my thoughts and opinions. After all, we’re partners. But no one wants their new idea or dream squashed right out of the gate for goodness sake!
Pablo is always super supportive of me when I want to try something new – like this blog for instance! It makes me feel so happy knowing that he thinks I’m going to do great and that he’s supports me in my endeavors.
So why can’t I be more like that?
Marriage vows
As a part of my wedding vows to Pablo I quoted these verses from Ruth:
“Entreat me not to leave you,
Or to turn back from following after you;
For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
And your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die,
And there will I be buried.
The Lord do so to me, and more also,
If anything but death parts you and me.”
Wherever my husband goes in life, I plan to be along for the ride. And if I’m not his biggest cheerleader then I need to change that ASAP.
Practically speaking
So, from a practical standpoint, how can I work on being a better cheerleader for my husband? Well, I don’t have all the answers, but here are a few things I can start with.
- Thank him for what he’s doing now for our family
- LISTEN to him when he shares his thoughts and dreams and resist the urge to immediately interject my advise/opinions
- Praise him publicly, letting him and others know that I’m proud to be his wife
- If a plan fails, which is bound to happen to all of us at some point, be supportive and never throw it back in his face
Having a supportive and encouraging spouse is a HUGE blessing and I’m determined to work harder to be that for my husband.
To whoever is reading this, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Is this something you’ve struggled with at all? Any words of wisdom for me?
Pablo, if you’re reading this, feel free to remind me of what I’ve written. But please don’t decide you want to go start a circus like P.T. Barnum just yet … baby steps! 😉