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Hi friends! As you know, I just recently took a trip to Washington State with Sofia. Since flying with a one year old is on my mind, I thought now would be a great time to share a post with some of my favorite tips.
I haven’t flown with kids enough to be a travel expert or anything 😉 but here’s some of what I’ve found helpful!
Essentials for flying with a one year old
- Umbrella stroller
Though I have used a baby carrier (love my Ergo!), I’d recommend a stroller over a baby carrier at the airport for several reasons. When you have to walk all the way across a huge airport, it’s easier to push weight than carry it. Plus, you can hang a bag or two on the stroller’s handles.
I say umbrella stroller because they are super light, fold up tiny, and are pretty much the best. It’s super easy to check them right at your gate before boarding.
Also, having a stroller makes bathroom breaks much more doable if you’re alone with your little one. Much preferable in my opinion to baby wearing in that situation ha!
- Snacks
Having a large variety of snacks on hand can be a lifesaver when flying with a one year old. Some of the snacks we love are squeezable fruit pouches, fruit snacks, cherrios/puffs, pretzels, crackers, etc.
Lolly-pops can also be lifesavers when you really need your kiddo to settle down and sit still for more than two seconds. I didn’t want to give Sofia a sugar high on our trip so most of her snacks weren’t sugary but I kept one lolly-pop in my bag as a last resort haha.
- Zip-lock bags
I feel like my large diaper bag always gets trashed on trips so this past trip I decided to step up my organization game. I used ziplock bags for everything in my diaper bag so that nothing was just floating around in there and getting lost. I had a ziplock for diapers and wipes, one for snacks, one for my own stuff, etc.
- Toys/books
Obviously you don’t want to have to cart around too many toys and books when you’re flying, so just pick out a few favorites that will fit easily in your diaper bag or backpack. Even better, pick up a new toy or book to surprise your little one with (and maybe it’ll keep their attention a minute or two longer haha!)
- Apps and stuff!
Ok, I haven’t gotten really into apps with my kids but we have downloaded a few. Caleb loves this Daniel Tiger app and although it’s technically not geared for one year olds Sofia enjoyed messing around with it on our trip.
There’s other great apps out there for “coloring”, popping bubbles or balloons, and random stuff like that that can be fun for kiddos.
If you have an iphone, little “memories” slideshows are also a lot of fun for kids to watch. Caleb and Sofia love to watch their own pictures and videos put to music.
A couple more suggestions
FYI these are in no particular order. 😉
- Check with your airline ahead of time to make sure you know what ID you need for your child (if any), what you can check for free, etc. (Here’s info from Delta and AA!)
- Check-in online ahead of time and check your seat assignments. I was able to move my seat for two of my flights to one with an empty seat next to it. So nice to have a little extra space!
- Bring hand sanitizer (because your kid will probably touch and climb all over everything while you’re waiting in the airport)
- Don’t forget a sippy cup or bottle; it can be helpful for your kiddo to drink something during takeoff and landing. (I say this, but my kids never wanted to drink anything right then ha! Thankfully their ears have always been fine.)
- Some airports have rooms for nursing mothers so it doesn’t hurt to ask if that’s something you would like/need.
- Run off as much energy as possible while waiting before/between your flights.
- Also, some airports have play areas for children. (Just don’t forget the hand sanitizer!)
Driving instead of flying? Check out these great tips from Christine over at Trading Desks for Dirt. 🙂
What travel tips do you have? Share with us all down below in the comments!!
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