Only two days until the new year (well, one if you don’t count today!)
As one year closes out and another begins I always like to take a little time to reflect on the past year and plan for the new year.
Last year I shared some free printables that you can use as you reflect and plan for the new year. I changed the printables this year to not have a date on them anymore so that you can use them for any year.
If you’ve already subscribed to my emails you should have received a link to download and print these printables already.
If you’re not a subscriber yet, enter your email below and I’ll send them on over to your inbox!
Now, let’s talk a little bit more about how to reflect on the past year and plan for the new one!
Reflecting on the Past Year
Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you reflect back on the year.
What were some of the major events in your life this past year?
What were some of the highlights of the year for you?
What did the past year teach you?
Planning for the New Year
As far as goals for the new year go, I like to make goals in several categories: usually personal, family, and business.
Personal Goals
What am I going to do to grow spiritually this year?
How am I going to take care of myself physically?
Are there any personal achievements I want to aim for this year? (ie: read a certain number of books, get better at a hobby, etc.)
Is there a specific character trait and/or area of my life that I need to focus on? (Not sure? Your family can probably clue you in haha!)
Family Goals
What do we want to focus on as a family this year?
How am I going to make my marriage a priority?
In what ways do I plan to make one-on-one times with my kids happen?
What learning goals do I have for my kids?
Business Goals
For me this category includes any way that I make money from home; currently that includes teaching online with VIPKID and blogging.
I way under-estimated how my blog would grow this past year (happy surprise!), so my goals for this year will be a bit more ambitious which I’m excited about.
If the “Business” category doesn’t apply to you just substitute something else that fits for you!
I’ll be sharing some of my reflections and goals soon, likely in one of my weekly emails as well as over on Instagram (so feel free to join me on Instagram if you haven’t yet!)
Now I’d love to hear from you! Do you usually spend some time planning and setting goals before the new year starts? What about reflecting back on the past year? I’d love to hear what you do – comment and let me know!