A few weeks ago I shared a post with three ways to spend less and stick to your budget. In case you missed that post, here’s a quick review:
- Don’t go shoppingÂ
- Make a list and stick to it
- Record every expense manually
Obviously I elaborated on each of these points in that post. Read it here!
Since writing that post I’ve jotted down a few more tips as they’ve come to my mind. Today I’m back to share three more ways to spend less and stick to your budget!
More Ways to Spend Less and Stick to Your Budget
4. Get on the same page with your spouse
I can’t emphasize the importance of this enough. You will have all sorts of problems if you and your spouse are not on the same page with your finances.
Often in a marriage one spouse is the saver and one is the spender. (Is this the case for yours?) It can also swing back in forth: for example, maybe one spouse is generally the saver but doesn’t mind spending more on food.
It’s important to note that being on the same page with your spouse doesn’t mean “bending your spouse to your will.” Ha! Communication and compromise are important. You are a team.
This article has some great tips for getting on the same page with your spouse about finances.
5. Make room for “fun money” in your budget
This idea is going to look different for everyone, but I think it’s an important concept. You will have an easier time sticking to your budget if you have a little “fun money”. For us right now this means twenty bucks a month that I can use for a fancy coffee, a new planner, a shirt I want but don’t really need, etc. 😉
Now obviously if you are on a beans and rice budget, “fun money” is probably the last thing on your mind. We’ve had to completely cut it out of the budget at certain times. However, I think that even if you are just able to budget for one little treat, it can help encourage you as you work to spend less and stick to your budget.
6. Make savings goals and make it easy to see your progress
I am personally much more motivated to save when I have goals and can see my progress.
Right now Pablo and I are working to save for a second car (read my tips for being a one car family here.) To give us a better picture of our progress we’ve opened up a savings account with Ally online bank where we can stow away whatever we’re able to save towards our goal. It’s nice to be able to watch that little savings account slowly grow.
Mint.com is also great for being able to set goals and see a visual of how you’re progressing.
Those are all the tips I have for you today! What are some of your favorite ways to spend less and stick to your budget? I’d love to hear your tips in the comments!