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I don’t love being pregnant. In fact, most of the time I strongly dislike being pregnant.
Of course I don’t go around proclaiming that (except right now, on the internet, ha!) But if you listen in on my conversations with my husband or my sisters you will eventually pick up on that fact.
I feel guilty sometimes that I don’t love being pregnant. After all, the end result – a precious baby – is the best thing in the world!! And I know many women who long to experience pregnancy and instead have to struggle through a long and emotionally excruciating battle with infertility.
But I think that disliking pregnancy doesn’t preclude being grateful for that pregnancy. I am, truly, grateful for this chance to have another baby. I am SO excited to meet this new little person who is kicking happily away inside of me. I feel extremely blessed to be a mommy.
I just can’t pretend to love being pregnant. Nope.
The first trimester of this pregnancy about did me in.
Ok, maybe that’s a bit dramatic. I didn’t have hyperemesis gravidarum or something crazy like that – just good old morning (read: all day) sickness. But man – so not cool. My motivation for pretty much everything flew out the window and we spent way over our food budget because making dinner was more than I was up to a lot of days.
Thankfully my sickness usually goes away once I’m about 14 or 15 weeks along (and I’m super grateful for that!) But almost (almost) worse than being sick is the feeling of just not feeling like myself for nine months. Those of you who have been or are currently pregnant probably know what I mean.
- I am NOT usually an emotional person but when I’m pregnant I feel like crying at the drop of a hat.
- I can’t stand certain smells and strongly dislike coffee (so sad you guys!)
- It turns my stomach to give my husband much more than a peck on the lips – in fact, sometimes it turns my stomach to even see other people kissing. So weird. And annoying.
- I gain lots of weight (obviously) and my face gets puffy. The fact that I’m even mentioning this shows that my vanity hasn’t left me quite yet haha although it bothers me less now than the first time around.
- Oh and by the end of my pregnancy I feel like I’ve aged about fifty years as I shuffle around the house, trying not to run into things with my massive belly haha.
So yeah, I don’t love being pregnant. But I think that’s ok, because here’s what I do love . . .
Just look at that little sweetie (my first baby – read his birth story here.) What a prize to look forward to! I really can’t wait to see what my third little one will look like.
That new-baby smell
I’m totally addicted to the smell of newborns! Think I’m crazy? It’s totally normal, or so they say (see this article for instance.) Anyway, I love smelling my babies haha!
Feeling baby move
Ok, so I may not like being pregnant BUT this is definitely one good part; it’s so crazy awesome to feel a little baby kicking around inside. Slightly uncomfortable at times, but still super cool. 😉
The feeling afterwards of not being pregnant
You may laugh, but seriously, it’s the best feeling ever. I can sleep on my stomach again. I feel young again (or at least young-ish!) I feel like a relatively normal human again. It’s quite wonderful.
The opportunity to experience a miracle
Birth is a miracle you guys. It really is. And I am BLESSED to be able to experience it. To hold a new little baby in my arms who is part me and part my husband. Wow. God is amazing.
So yeah . . . it’s true that I don’t love being pregnant but it’s totally worth it all in the end. <3
Thanks for listening to my ramblings! Now I’d love to hear from you! Do you like being pregnant or are you more like me? Let’s chat in the comments! 🙂
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