January often seems like a long month (or is it just me?) and being stuck indoors when it’s really cold or rainy out makes the days feel even longer!
You might say, wait, don’t you live in Texas? Yes, yes we do, but even here in north east Texas we get some pretty chilly days this time of year! Since we don’t have a fenced yard, when my kiddos are outside I pretty much need to be too and sometimes it just doesn’t work well with the baby.
So anyway, for those days when we’re stuck indoors, here’s a list I came up with of 30 indoor activities for preschoolers. Read through the list and then let me know what you’d add – I can always use more ideas!
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30 Indoor Activities For Preschoolers
Make a tent
For the easiest ever tent, just drape a large blanket over your kitchen table. Instant cozy tent!
Dance party
My kids enjoy doing this “animal exercise” video on Youtube.
Tea party
“Invite” all the dolls and stuffed animals to make it extra fun.
Play-doh or paints
Water-wow books
We are such fans of these little water paint books from Melissa and Doug!
“Wash” toys in the kitchen sink
My kids love to do this!
Marching “soldiers”
Turn on marching band music (Pandora is great for this) and let your little soldiers march around. Be sure to salute them every so often!
Play a game with balloons
My kids think it’s awesome when I let them help clean the doors with magic erasers. I need to take advantage of this while they still think it’s fun! 😉
Make fruit-loop necklaces
Craft time
Crafts don’t have to be fancy – just let your kids create with scissors, paper, tape/glue, stickers, etc.
Enjoy a special snack
Who says you can only take a bath when you’re dirty? Baths are a great indoor day activity!
Color/decorate a cardboard box
. . . and then use it as a boat or a car or a train or, well, you get the idea!
Quiet time
Having a little quiet time helps everyone!
Jump on bubble wrap
Read aloud
Indoor obstacle course
This has the potential for a lot of fun. Be creative!
Play a matching game
Play with building toys
Blocks, Legos, Magformers, etc. It’s always more fun when Mom or Dad play too!
Bake something
Nothing like baking cookies together on a rainy day!
Play I Spy, Red Light Green Light, Simon Says, etc.
Play a board game
Candy Land and Shoots and Ladders are good basic ones for preschoolers.
Have the kids take turns “performing at a circus”
Make sure to clap loudly for each performance!
Play pretend instruments
My kids love to pretend to play instruments when I turn on The Piano Guys on youtube.
Hide and Seek
Make cards for someone
What would you add to this list of indoor activities for preschoolers? Let me know in the comments!