Wow, we’re about 2/3 through January and I’m finally writing this post! Life has kept me busy the past few weeks – nothing out of the ordinary, just normal mom stuff – but lately it’s seemed that by the time I’m done with everything in the evening there’s no time left for the blog. Today there is though so here we go!
Ok, so what are my goals for this year? Well, when I finally got the chance to sit down and think about goals I decided that I want to do things a little differently this year. It’s easy for me to make grand goals at the beginning of the year but then get bogged down and mess up and not really get re-motivated until the next new year.
So, this year I’ve decided to evaluate how I’m doing quarterly and re-adjust/make new goals as needed.
Here are my goals for the first quarter, using the categories I talked about in an earlier post this month. These goals may all stay the same when I re-evaluate in April, or I may change some things, we’ll see!
Pablo and I decided to both read through the whole Bible this year. We’re going through it in chronological order, using this schedule. My goal is to stay on schedule and try to write down at least a few thoughts or things I learned from each day’s reading.
Continue exercising 3x a week for 30 minutes plus drink at least 72 oz. of water a day.
Read at least one book a month – starting with these! I love me some good fiction but I really want to be intentional this year about reading more books that teach me things, whether it be about parenting, the Christian life, history, etc. Of course, I still hope to enjoy some fiction but those books don’t “count” for my goal. 😉
Have two date nights a month – one going out and one just at home. We decided to switch who plans which one each month so that’s going to be fun. This month I’m planning our at-home date… still haven’t decided what we’re doing so I need to get on the ball with that!
Also, my goal is to have a brief Bible time with Caleb every day. It’s been hit or miss in the past but I know that I really need to make that a priority, especially now that he is starting to understand a little more.
Make a basic weekly cleaning schedule for my home and follow it! I’m not talking anything crazy here – just the basic stuff like cleaning the bathrooms, vaccuming/mopping, etc.
For this quarter I want to focus on growing my following on Pinterest (which is currently super sad haha.) I’ve not done a whole lot on Pinterest in the past but it is a fantastic way to grow your blog so I’m going to try to step up my game over there! If you’re a Pinterest user I’d LOVE it if you’d click here and follow me over there!
Well, those are my goals in a nutshell! As I talked about here and here I need accountability so feel free to ask me how I’m doing! I’d also love to hear what your goals are so please share in the comments!
Thanks so much for stopping by today! 🙂
I’m working on building my pinterest following as well! Currently watching a boardbooster video and I watched tailwind lastnight:)
Good for you, I need to watch those!